
You Deserve Personal Injury Compensation; James H. Brown and Associates is Here to Help!

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, you may be qualified for compensation to help you cope. The personal injury lawyers at James H. Brown are here to ensure you understand your rights and that your case is handled appropriately from start to finish. Our law firm is here to address your case’s intricate details so you can focus on your family and recovery. To learn more about personal injury and compensation, continue reading. 

What is Personal Injury?

A personal injury can happen unexpectedly at any time and anywhere. Injuries from motor vehicle accidents, bicycle crashes, and others can range from mild to catastrophic. If you or a loved one has suffered from a personal injury, you know firsthand the extent to which that injury can affect your family, finances, and quality of life. Our James H. Brown and Associates team can handle personal injury compensation claims. Below are just a few of the case types we represent:

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents: Damages and injuries from a vehicle accident can drastically affect your mental, physical, and financial well-being. That’s why knowing you may be eligible for compensation is essential.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries: Victims of brain injuries as a result of a motor vehicle accident don’t always experience immediate symptoms, so these injuries can initially seem less severe. However, symptoms can negatively impact your quality of life once they appear. Legal help for brain injuries can help you receive compensation for the harm you’ve experienced. 
  • Bicycle Accidents: Those who’ve experienced bicycle accidents often report head injuries, spinal cord injuries, road rash, and psychological trauma. These injuries can result in significant damages for cyclists and their loved ones, which a lawyer can address in a personal injury claim
  • Pedestrian Accidents: Pedestrians are incredibly vulnerable on shared roads as motor vehicles can cause catastrophic, life-altering injuries. After an accident like this, you or your loved one’s livelihood can be seriously impacted. Fortunately, your case can reach an amicable settlement with assistance from a personal injury lawyer. 
  • Wrongful Death: Families grieving the untimely loss of a loved one need to speak with a lawyer immediately. Timelines for wrongful death cases tend to be very tight. James H. Brown and Associates’ team can help bring your family closure if you’ve lost a loved one because of an accident, mistake, motorcycle accident, or spinal cord injury.

When you employ James H. Brown and Associates’ services, you gain access to a vast network of experts and specialists. Our team of experienced lawyers uses every available resource accessible to us to ensure your case is analyzed and assessed from inside and out. As a law firm with 250 years of combined experience, we’re committed to helping you and your family attain justice. 

What Should You Do After an Accident?

No matter what kind of accident you or a loved one has been injured in, you should always seek medical assistance immediately, even if you think you’re fine. Immediate medical attention is vital for two reasons:

  1. Invisible Injuries: Some injuries are not easy to spot as symptoms can appear after some time. This includes internal injuries, internal bleeding, traumatic brain injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder, and more. A victim may feel fine but only a medical professional can properly assess you to determine the full extent of your injuries.
  2. Documentation: When you need to file a personal injury claim having the proper documentation of your injuries and symptoms is critical. The sooner you can seek medical assistance and begin a record of your injuries’ progression, the better chance your lawyer has of being able to prove the full extent of your personal injury compensation. 

Depending on the accident, you may also be required to file a personal insurance claim with your motor vehicle insurance, report your injury to your employer, or take additional steps to ensure you’re doing all that you can to cover your injuries and damages. At James H. Brown and Associates understand the many challenges victims may face while on the road to compensation. Our team of committed lawyers can assist you from start to finish with your personal injury claim

How Can James H. Brown and Associates Help?

If you or a member of your family has been seriously injured in an accident, it’s crucial that you understand your rights. Personal injury lawsuits can be incredibly complex. Fortunately, James H. Brown and Associates in Edmonton is here to help you familiarize yourself with your rights and ascertain if you have a viable case. Our team will aggressively advance your claim to ensure you and your family get the compensation you deserve. With decades of experience under our belts, James H. Brown and Associates is confident we can bring justice to your case. Contact us today to set up your free consultation!