
What to Do If You’ve Been in a Bike Accident

Even with best efforts to stay safe on the trails and roads, every year bike accidents happen. Know what to do if you are in a bike accident or if you see a bike accident.  This spring and summer as you return to outdoor activities with your family and friends, think safety.  

First Things First, Get Medical Attention

If you or others involved in the accident are experiencing a medical emergency or are in life-threatening condition, call 9-1-1. Phone 811 in Alberta for Health Link, to help assess your injuries and for information on the nearest clinics and emergency departments. Collisions between bikes and motor vehicles can be fatal or life-threatening. If you see someone get hit while riding a bike or see someone has fallen off their bike and appears to be in life-threatening condition or is unresponsive, phone 9-1-1.

Gather Information

Once you are in a position of safety, in stable condition, and are not at further risk of getting hit by traffic, ask for the driver’s information. Ask for the contact information of any witnesses. If the driver tries to leave the scene, call 9-1-1. Take a photo or write down the licence plate of the vehicle that hit you.

Contact an Accident Injury Lawyer

Bike Accidents require thorough and timely investigation to ensure the crucial evidence in your case is preserved. This often involves a team of lawyers, accident reconstruction engineers and specialized analysts to work diligently to gather evidence so that your strongest case is advanced. We have our team of accident reconstruction engineers and analysts attend at the scene of the accident to ensure the critical evidence is gathered in your case.

Keep the Evidence

Take photos of your bike and helmet. Keep your bike and helmet, as both are critical evidence in your case. Do not use your bike helmet again once it has been in an accident, even if it does not look damaged. Your helmet needs to be replaced, as it does not provide the same level of protection once it has been in an accident. The evidence in bike accidents is critical, as sometimes there is disagreement about who is at fault. Contact our experienced team of Accident Injury Lawyers to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. We help you navigate the legal process and answer your questions.   

Contributory Negligence

In some cases, a cyclist may have contributed to or been partly responsible for the accident, even if the driver was negligent. Factors considered include whether the cyclist was following the rules and regulations, whether the cyclist checked for traffic before entering the intersection, and whether the cyclist was wearing a helmet. For more information on bike lanes, shared pathways, and rules restricting biking on sidewalks, see the City of Edmonton website here. Be sure that you follow the rules and regulations in the city or town where you are riding. Refer to the Use of Highways and Rules of the Road Regulation available online here.

Don’t Wait

When you have been injured in a Bike Accident, help is only a phone call away. At James H. Brown & Associates, we are available 24/7, seven days a week for a free consultation.

If it has been months or more than a year since the accident, and you have been hesitant to speak with a lawyer, call us today for a no-obligation, free consultation. We can answer your questions so that you understand your options. Remember that there are limitation laws in Alberta that specify the time you have to sue. After the limitation has passed, you lose the right to sue. 

Do not wait until a few days before the limitation date to decide if you will pursue your case. The sooner you call us after the accident, the sooner we can help you navigate the process. Speak with one of our lawyers, so that you can focus on your recovery.

Make safety a priority this spring and summer as you return to the trails.

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